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Results for search "Brain".

11 Oct

A Lingering Virus May Explain Why Some People Suffer from Symptoms of Long COVID

A new study finds 43% of people with Long COVID symptoms still have SARS-CoV-2 proteins circulating in their blood 1 to 14 months after testing positive.

Health News Results - 401

13 Feb
Enjoying Valentine's Day When a Loved One Has Alzheimer's

Enjoying Valentine's Day When a Loved One Has Alzheimer's

Love doesn't fade when one member of a family develops Alzheimer's disease, but times of intimacy like Valentine's Day can become tougher.

Experts at the Alzheimer's Foundation of America (AFA) acknowledge that a loved one living with dementia can have trouble expressing...

04 Feb
Scientists Find More Microplastics in Human Brains

Scientists Find More Microplastics in Human Brains

Tiny microplastics are making their way into the human brain, and new research suggests the problem is getting worse.

The new study, published Feb. 3 in the journal Nature, found that brain samples...

21 Jan
Hormone Therapy Doesn't Increase Women's Risk of Brain Tumors

Hormone Therapy Doesn't Increase Women's Risk of Brain Tumors

Hormone replacement therapy to ease menopause symptoms doesn’t increase a woman’s risk of brain tumors.

Researchers found no link betw...

17 Jan
Why Some Families Consider Brain Donation for Autism Research

Why Some Families Consider Brain Donation for Autism Research

Brain tissue samples are essential for scientific research, especially when it comes to brain disorders such as autism spectrum disorder.

Not surprisingly, samples are hard to get....

14 Jan
Are Young People With Eating Disorders Predisposed to Them?

Are Young People With Eating Disorders Predisposed to Them?

Eating disorders appear to be linked to differences in brain structure among teenagers.

Young adults who develop eating disorders appear to have delayed brain maturation as teenagers, MRI scans show in a new study published Jan. 10 in the journal

13 Jan
What Do Sleep Medications Do to Your Brain?

What Do Sleep Medications Do to Your Brain?

MONDAY, Jan. 13, 2025 (HealthDay news) -- The sleep aid Ambien could be allowing toxic proteins to pollute the brain, potentially increasing a person’s risk of disorders like

10 Jan
Can Doctors Estimate Life Expectancy After a Dementia Diagnosis?

Can Doctors Estimate Life Expectancy After a Dementia Diagnosis?

The clock is running for people who’ve been diagnosed with dementia, but the time they have left depends on their age.

Average life expectancy for people with dementia is largely based on their age at diagnosis, researchers found in a new evidence review.


08 Jan
Can the Mediterranean Diet Boost Your Memory?

Can the Mediterranean Diet Boost Your Memory?

The Mediterranean diet is renown for its ability to improve heart health and help folks lose weight.

Now a new rat study says this eating pattern also might provide folks a...

03 Jan
Some Brain Cells Change with Age, Some Don't: Study

Some Brain Cells Change with Age, Some Don't: Study

Some brain cells are more susceptible to the ravages of aging than others, a new mouse study has found.

These results could shed new light on why people’s risk for dementia,

26 Dec
Mice Headsets Make it Easier to Study Brain Response to Virtual Realty

Mice Headsets Make it Easier to Study Brain Response to Virtual Realty

Virtual reality headsets like the Meta Quest or Apple Vision Pro will be a Christmas gift in more than one home this year.

Now mice are getting in on the action.

Researchers have developed a set of VR goggles for lab mice for use in brain studies, according to a re...

23 Dec
Coffee Can Boost the Brains of People with Certain Heart Conditions

Coffee Can Boost the Brains of People with Certain Heart Conditions

Coffee provides a quick morning boost, but it might also protect the brain health of people with a common heart rhythm disorder.

A study p...

20 Dec
What's the Link Between Memory Problems and Sexism?

What's the Link Between Memory Problems and Sexism?

Sexism is incredibly toxic to women’s lives, resulting in lower pay, fewer career opportunities, worse health care and a greater risk of violence.

It also can be toxic to their brain health, a new study says.

U.S. women born in the most sexist states experien...

20 Dec
Antibiotics Do Not Increase Risks for Cognitive Decline, Dementia in Older Adults, New Data Says

Antibiotics Do Not Increase Risks for Cognitive Decline, Dementia in Older Adults, New Data Says

Seniors with an infection can take antibiotics without fear of harming their brain health.

Antibiotics don’t appear to increase the risk of cognitive decline or demen...

19 Dec
Sleep Apnea May Change Parts of Brain, Speed Aging

Sleep Apnea May Change Parts of Brain, Speed Aging

Sleep apnea is known to wreak havoc with the body, contributing to heart problems, diabetes and liver disease.

The sleep disorder also appears to have direct eff...

03 Dec
Temporary Scalp Tattoo Can Track Your Brainwaves

Temporary Scalp Tattoo Can Track Your Brainwaves

Folks soon might have their brain activity scanned using a temporary tattoo, a new study suggests.

This temporary scalp tattoo allowed researchers to track electrical brain activity much more easily than with conventional electrodes, researchers reported Dec. 2 in the jo...

14 Nov
Many Cases of Dementia Go Undiagnosed in Poorer Communities

Many Cases of Dementia Go Undiagnosed in Poorer Communities

Dementia strikes all races, but new research suggests thinking declines in poor seniors are often overlooked.

Among a group of more than 200 low-income pa...

07 Nov
Daytime Drowsiness Linked to a 'Pre-Dementia' Syndrome

Daytime Drowsiness Linked to a 'Pre-Dementia' Syndrome

Seniors who are drowsy during the day and find it hard to muster enthusiasm for activities could be at higher risk of a brain condition that precedes dementia, ...

06 Nov
Little More Learning Might Not Save Your Aging Brain

Little More Learning Might Not Save Your Aging Brain

In 1972, Britain bumped up the total school years mandated for its children from 15 to 16 years.

That created a "natural experiment": Would Britons who got that extra year of education fare any better, neurologically, as they aged?

Unfortunately, the answer is "no....

04 Nov
Mindfulness Meditation Could Have Direct Effect in Reducing Pain

Mindfulness Meditation Could Have Direct Effect in Reducing Pain

Many people turn to mindfulness meditation to help them manage their chronic pain, a practice that’s been used for centuries.

However, it’s been an open question whether meditation is simply functioning as a placebo, rather than actually quelling pain.


04 Nov
New Approach to Fight Huntington's Disease Shows Early Promise

New Approach to Fight Huntington's Disease Shows Early Promise

Huntington's disease is a devastating, fatal neurological illness with little means of treatment, but a new study in mice offers a glimmer of hope.

Huntington's occurs when inherited genes cause key proteins to fold and clump together within brain cells. Over time, this...

30 Oct
Even 'Weekend Warrior' Exercise Can Keep Your Brain Healthy

Even 'Weekend Warrior' Exercise Can Keep Your Brain Healthy

Find it hard to take time to exercise during your busy workweek?

No problem, a new study says -- one or two “weekend warrior” workouts are just as likely to help you maintain your brain health.

People who regularly

30 Oct
Can Cannabis Change Your Brain? Maybe, Maybe Not

Can Cannabis Change Your Brain? Maybe, Maybe Not

People who regularly use marijuana experience changes in their brain structure and function, but it’s not clear that cannabis is the cause, a new study finds.

Researchers found specific differences in the brains of people who’d ever used weed, particularly in...

29 Oct
Childhood Attention Issues Show Links to Later Risk for Psychosis, Schizophrenia

Childhood Attention Issues Show Links to Later Risk for Psychosis, Schizophrenia

Most kids with attention issues won't go on to develop serious psychiatric conditions like psychosis or schizophrenia.

However, a new study finds poor attention spans in childhood, plus certain genes, could play a role in raising the risk for these conditions.


28 Oct
Weed Use During Pregnancy May Harm Kids' Behavior, Thinking Skills

Weed Use During Pregnancy May Harm Kids' Behavior, Thinking Skills

Smoking marijuana during pregnancy may quell your morning sickness, but it could also harm your child’s development, a new study warns.

Cannabis exposure in the womb is associated in early childhood with poorer thinking skills, researchers reported Oct. 28 in the j...

28 Oct
Concussion Could Raise Depression, Burnout in Pro Hockey Players

Concussion Could Raise Depression, Burnout in Pro Hockey Players

Repeated concussions dramatically increase a hockey player’s risk of depression and burnout, a new study warns.

Hockey players who’d suffered three or more concussions had twice the risk of

25 Oct
People's Brains Now Process Texts Almost as Quickly as Pictures

People's Brains Now Process Texts Almost as Quickly as Pictures

Texts deliver rapid-fire messages, but a new study indicates human brains can keep up with the barrage.

The brain can detect the basic linguistic structure of a brief sentence in roughly 150 milliseconds -- about the speed of a blink of an eye, researchers report.


25 Oct
What Works Best to Ease MS-Linked Fatigue? New Study Finds Out

What Works Best to Ease MS-Linked Fatigue? New Study Finds Out

Medication and behavioral therapy are both effective in combatting fatigue caused by multiple sclerosis (MS), either separately or together, a new study finds.

MS patients felt significantly less fatigue after they were prescribed

25 Oct
Will Injury Pain Become Chronic? Brain Scans Might Tell

Will Injury Pain Become Chronic? Brain Scans Might Tell

Brain scans can provide early warning of who will develop chronic pain following a whiplash injury, a new study finds.

Higher levels of “cross...

24 Oct
Bad Sleep in Middle Age Unhealthy for Aging Brains

Bad Sleep in Middle Age Unhealthy for Aging Brains

If you're in your 40s or 50s and have trouble getting and staying asleep, that's not a good sign for brain health as you age, new research suggests.

“Our study, which used brain scans to determine participants’ brain age, suggests that poor sleep is linked t...

23 Oct
Common Post-Injury Action by Players Signals Concussion, Study Shows

Common Post-Injury Action by Players Signals Concussion, Study Shows

Maybe you've seen a cartoon character shake their head back and forth following a sharp blow -- clearing away whatever stars or birds are circling their noggins.

Turns out, that same move might help coaches and physical trainers identify a

23 Oct
Aerobic Exercise May Ease 'Brain Fog' of Breast Cancer Chemo

Aerobic Exercise May Ease 'Brain Fog' of Breast Cancer Chemo

Women fighting breast cancer can relieve some of their chemotherapy “brain fog” through aerobic exercise, a new clinical trial in Canada suggests.

Breast ca...

17 Oct
Silent Damage First: Alzheimer's Disease Could Have Two Phases

Silent Damage First: Alzheimer's Disease Could Have Two Phases

Alzheimer’s disease might damage the brain in two distinct phases, a new study suggests.

An early phase that occurs slowly and...

15 Oct
Your Sense of Smell May Be Quicker Than You Think

Your Sense of Smell May Be Quicker Than You Think

People sense millisecond shifts in odor as quickly as they might spot a change in color, new research shows.

The study discounts the notion that smell is a "slower" sense than sight or hearing, scientists say.

"A sniff of odors is not a long exposure shot of the c...

14 Oct
Learn Another Language to Boost Your Brain's 'Efficiency'

Learn Another Language to Boost Your Brain's 'Efficiency'

Bilingual people have more active and flexible brains, a new study has discovered.

Brain scans revealed that folks who speak two languages have increased connectivity between their brain regions, researchers reported Oct. 10 in the journal

11 Oct
Injected 'Nanodiscs' Could Bring Brain Stimulation Therapy Without Implants

Injected 'Nanodiscs' Could Bring Brain Stimulation Therapy Without Implants

Microscopic magnetic nanodiscs could provide a much less invasive means of providing deep brain stimulation, a new study says.

The tiny discs – about 250 nanometers across, or 1/500 the width of a human hair – would be injected directly into specific regions ...

10 Oct
Boys Treated With Gene Therapy for Rare Brain Disease Doing Well 6 Years Later

Boys Treated With Gene Therapy for Rare Brain Disease Doing Well 6 Years Later

Most boys treated with breakthrough gene therapy for a rare but deadly brain illness are faring well six years later, two new reports find.

The 77 boys were treated for cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy (CALD), a formerly incurable and progressive genetic brain disease that ...

08 Oct
Scientists Discover the Brain's Waste-Disposal System, With Clues to Alzheimer's Disease

Scientists Discover the Brain's Waste-Disposal System, With Clues to Alzheimer's Disease

The brain has a waste-disposal system that clears away junk proteins that contribute to the development of dementia and Alzheimer’s dise...

08 Oct
Damage to Brainstem Could Be Driving Long COVID

Damage to Brainstem Could Be Driving Long COVID

Damage to the brainstem could be behind the physical and psychological effects of Long COVID, a new study suggests.

Brain scans of 30 Long COVID patients found they had damage to th...

08 Oct
Could Music Lessons Help Clear the 'Brain Fog' of Chemotherapy?

Could Music Lessons Help Clear the 'Brain Fog' of Chemotherapy?

In a small, preliminary study, piano lessons provided to cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy appeared to help them maintain brain health.

"There were a lot of outside stressors contributing to my mood, but piano practice and going to lessons were always something go...

04 Oct
Hearing Loss Can Raise Risks for Cognitive Decline

Hearing Loss Can Raise Risks for Cognitive Decline

A new, large study from France underscores the link between adult hearing loss and dementia.

"Given the major burden of cognitive decline and the absence of curative treatment, identifying modifiable risk factors is of importance," a team led by

03 Oct
Air Pollution Could Be Changing Children's Brains

Air Pollution Could Be Changing Children's Brains

Even air pollution levels considered safe by U.S. standards appear to cause differences in the brains of growing children, a new review suggests.

"We're seeing differences in brain outcomes between children with higher levels of pollution exposure versus lower levels of ...

02 Oct
So Fly: Scientists Complete Map of Adult Fruit Fly Brain

So Fly: Scientists Complete Map of Adult Fruit Fly Brain

The head of a Princeton team that mapped the brain of an adult fruit fly -- a watershed step in understanding the human brain -- explains the feat in a way that belies its complexity.

"Just like you wouldn't want to drive to a new place without Google Maps, you don't wan...

02 Oct
Brain Zap Treatment Could Get Arms, Hands Moving After Head Injury

Brain Zap Treatment Could Get Arms, Hands Moving After Head Injury

Patients who lose the use of their hands and arms after a stroke or traumatic brain injury could regain some function through deep brain stimulation (DBS), new research demonstrates.

DBS involves surgical placement of electrodes to deliver electrical impulses to areas of...

23 Sep
Many Former NFL Players Believe They Have CTE, Raising Suicide Risk

Many Former NFL Players Believe They Have CTE, Raising Suicide Risk

One in three former NFL players believe they have football-related brain damage that’s doing untold harm to their lives, a new study finds.

Unfortunately, their fears might be harming their mental health on top of whatever risks they face from

23 Sep
Could Antidepressants Give Memory a Boost?

Could Antidepressants Give Memory a Boost?

Antidepressants have the potential to improve memory and thinking skills, a new study suggests.

Some patients experienced a boost on brain tests after taking the SSR...

19 Sep
Do You Know the MIND Diet? It Might Keep You Sharp With Age

Do You Know the MIND Diet? It Might Keep You Sharp With Age

It's called the MIND diet and its primary aim is to help guard against thinking and memory declines as you age. But does it work?

Yes, claims new research that found following the MIND diet for 10 years produced a small but significant decrease in the risk of developing ...

19 Sep
'Exercise Is Medicine' for People With Parkinson's

'Exercise Is Medicine' for People With Parkinson's

Exercise, whether moderate- or high-intensity, can help ease Parkinson's symptoms, including fatigue, new research shows.

As study lead author Dr. Philip Millar explained, Parkinson's patients are too o...

17 Sep
Could 'Brain Training' Exercises Help Slow Alzheimer's Symptoms?

Could 'Brain Training' Exercises Help Slow Alzheimer's Symptoms?

Brain training aimed at improving memory can ward off symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease for years, a new study claims.

Seniors experienced a slower

16 Sep
Breathing Could Bring Microplastics Into the Human Brain, Study Shows

Breathing Could Bring Microplastics Into the Human Brain, Study Shows

For the first time, scientists have detected microscopic microplastics lodged in the human brain.

Researchers in Germany and Brazil say that 8 out of 15 autopsied adults had microplastics detected within their brain's smell centers, the olfactory bulb.

The particl...

16 Sep
Vaping Is Harming College Students' Brains, Study Shows

Vaping Is Harming College Students' Brains, Study Shows

Vaping may look cool when you're young, but it appears to be dulling the brains of college students, a new study warns.

College students who vape have lowe...

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